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028 9045 7677
Welcome to Linen Court Surgery
336 Beersbridge Road, Belfast, BT5 5DY (tel. 02890 457677)
We are very happy to welcome you to our surgery. It is our intention to combine a personal family medical practice with excellent modern premises. We hope you are as pleased with the building as we are.
The practice has been functioning continuously since the very start of the NHS, and we are proud to continue that tradition into a new era. We aim to serve the health needs of the local community to the best of our ability.
Please note that phone calls to the surgery are recorded for monitoring purposes and to ensure accuracy. These recordings are of course confidential and will not be disclosed to a third party without your consent.
History of the Practice:
This Surgery has been running as a Family Practice since the very start of the NHS in the 1940’s when Dr Watson had a surgery on the Beersbridge Road in his home ‘Redlands’, the large red brick building opposite St Donard’s Church. He was followed by Dr Johnston and then by Dr Lennox, whom many of our older patients remember well. Dr Morrow took over the Practice in the 1970’s and moved the surgery across the road to Bloomfield Avenue.
Dr Morrow retired in 1989 Dr Bryan Burke and his wife Dr Lorna Holmes took over the care of the Practice and renovated the building. The Practice grew in both numbers of patients and staff and the building was eventually no longer suitable. In 2004 the Surgery moved to our present purpose built premises, and we were joined by a new partner, Dr Mary Mitchell and in 2014 a fourth GP Dr Helen McKenna.
On 31st March 2017 Dr Burke and Dr Holmes retired from the Practice after 28 years. Dr Alyson Grainger and Dr Simon Beatty joined our Practice Team.
Dr Simon Beatty left the Practice at the end of October 2022.
Why the name ‘Linen Court Surgery’?
We were looking for a local name to call the new surgery, and liked the name ‘Linen Court’ which is a nearby housing development at the end of Woodcot Avenue. It was named ‘Linen Court’ by the children of Avoniel Primary School, because of the old linen mill that used to operate on the Beersbridge Road.
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